Monday, January 19, 2009

I was so much older then...

Why do I feel so much older these days? I'm really only one day older than yesterday, but society has now labeled me as an entire year older. Why do I have to grow-up? 

This year has really been remarkable. I have gone through so much stuff that I'm not sure anyone can understand, but I'm glad it all happened. I have become a stronger person in 2008. Saying good-bye to the past has never felt better. I feel like I'm saying good-bye to the self-proclaimed mature Kacie and hopefully welcoming a more youthful version of myself. What I'm trying to say is that I think I grew-up really fast in 2008. Let's just say I experienced a lot of firsts that weathered my soul. I'm glad those experiences happened, but I'm just going to take a step back this year and realize that life is way too short for me to be worried about things bigger than myself. I'm pretty sure I was older in my past, and I'm so much younger than that now.  And that my friends is why Bob Dylan is amazing. 

"I was so much older then. I'm Younger than that now." 
-Bob Dylan, My Back Pages 

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